Ever been worried you might have bed bugs? Here we answer common questions about bed bugs.
Bed Bug Overview
What are Bed Bugs?
Bed Bugs (Cimex lectularius Linnaeus) are small oval, brownish coloured insects that usually live on bedding or furniture.
What do Bed Bugs Look Like?
Bed Bugs are visible to the naked eye but can be more easily spotted using a torch. They are usually brown in colour but change to a red colour after they have fed. They are usually around 4-7mm and an oval shape.
What do Bed Bugs Bites Look Like?
Bed bug bites appear as a red raised itchy bump on your skin sometimes with a zig zag pattern. It can be hard to identify them form other insect bites but if you are regularly getting bitten at night time look for other signs of bed bugs.
What do Bed Bugs Eggs Look Like?
Bed bug eggs are very hard to spot unless in clusters or using a microscope. They appear similar to small grains of pepper.
Bed Bug – Common Questions
Can Bed Bugs Fly?
Bed bugs cannot fly or jump. They can only crawl but they are fairly fast!
Can Bed Bugs Live in your Hair?
Bed bugs do not live in your hair. They generally live in dark secluded places and only emerge at night to feed.
Can Bed Bugs make you Sick?
Bed bugs do not carry disease and will not generally make you sick, however some people can have allergic reactions to their bites.
Can Bed Bugs bite through clothes?
Bed bugs cannot bite you through your clothes. They prefer to bite exposed flesh while you sleep.
Do Bed Bugs Stay on your Body?
Unlike fleas, bed bugs do not live on their host. They will feed from the host at night, returning to their hiding place to digest their blood meal.
Do Bed Bugs Itch?
Bed bug bites are painless due to the bugs use of an anaesthetic but like many other types of bites can become itchy a few hours afterwards.
Do Bed Bugs Carry Disease?
Bed bugs are not known to carry any diseases.
What do Bed Bugs Eat?
Bed bugs feed on blood. They prefer human blood but are known to feed on other warm blooded animals such as our pets and other animals such as rodents and birds.
What do Bed Bugs Hate?
Bed bugs hate the small of lavender so using this scent can deter them.
What do Bed Bugs Smell Like?
Bed bugs produce a musty smell which can smell like wet clothes.
Identifying and Treating Bed Bugs
How can I tell if I have a bed bug problem?
Look for tell-tale signs such as red or brown spots on your bedding. If you are unsure, contact a bed bug treatment specialist for advice.
How can I Treat Bed Bugs?
It is not advisable to try to treat a bed bug infestation yourself as over the counter products can make the problem worse. It is best to contact a bed bug treatment specialist to deal with the problem.
What is the best treatment for bed bugs?
The best way to remove a bed bug infestation is to use heat treatment. This is by far the most effective and successful way to remove an infestation.
What should I do if I see bed bugs?
Contact a bed bug treatment specialist immediately for advice on the best action to take.